The Most Beautiful Parks and Gardens in Tahiti

parcs jardins parks gardens tahiti

The most beautiful parks and gardens

You are visiting Tahiti and you want to see the most beautiful parks and gardens?

We have compiled the most beautiful “parks and public gardens” in the Directory edited in February 2016. You can also find a list of activities, a choice of more than 220 restaurants, and other novelties that we are currently researching.

To look for a park or a garden in Tahiti? This question almost has no meaning since we live surrounded by lush nature and verdant valleys. Take for example the “Papenoo Valley” featuring an immense natural garden where the air is cooler, you can go hiking or stay the entire weekend at the refuge or in a hotel, and revive culturally!

Almost without meaning unless you want to go walking without having to hike!
In this case, follow the guide for designed gardens and public parks in Tahiti.

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The Most Beautiful Parks and Gardens in Tahiti

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LIVE BANDS de Tahiti

Live Bands, les groupes de Musique à Tahiti

Vous cherchez un groupe de musique pour l’animation d’une soirée ?
Tahiti Agenda vous a établi une liste avec l’aide des musiciens du fenua.


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