Ori Tahiti International Contest 2018 (Hura Tapairu Manihini)

Ori Tahiti International Contest 2018 (Hura Tapairu Manihini)


mercredi 21 novembre 2018 - samedi 24 novembre 2018    
18:00 - 23:00

Maison de la Culture
Pape'ete, Pape'ete, Tahiti

Event Type

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Take part in the ‘Ori Tahiti International Contest !

For several years now, practice of ‘ori tahiti has benefitted from a growing interest throughout the world and more and more aficionados come to French Polynesia, seeking to perform and/or train with locals.

Te Fare Tauhiti Nui – Cultural Center Of Tahiti and her islands launched a traditional-dances competition adapted to small formations made of ‘ori tahiti afficionados from abroad and called « Hura Tapairu Manihini ».

Opening of this competition aims at giving international and non-residents’ groups the opportunity to perform in Tahiti and to promote Polynesian culture and image throughout the world. During this competition promoting creativity, groups will perform original creations inspired by cultural heritage of French Polynesia.

👉More infos & subscriptions : https://www.huratapairu.com/en/hura-tapairu-manihini-en/

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